New Security Event from Canon Solutions America
/0 Comments/in OEM News /by Amber GuanCanon Solutions America has announced the addition of enhanced security capabilities through EventSentry.

Print Second Only to the Cloud as Top IT Security Concern
/0 Comments/in Aftermarket News /by Amber GuanPrint is still a significant part of their business (87 percent) and that use of managed print services (MPS).

Kyocera Recalls MFPs in Australia
/0 Comments/in OEM News /by Amber GuanKyocera Australia is recalling a number of its A3 multifunctional printers due to a possible fire hazard.

New Releases from UniNet
/0 Comments/in Office Supplies News /by Amber GuanFor further information, please contact UniNet.

Xerox Moves into Metal 3D Printing with Acquisition
/0 Comments/in OEM News /by Amber GuanUS printing giant Xerox has moved into metal 3D printing with the acquisition of New York-based start-up Vader Systems – creator of the first liquid metal 3-D printer for manufacturing.

Acquirement Deal Made
/0 Comments/in Office Supplies News /by Amber GuanExisting executive team will continue to lead the business going forward.

Second Canon PIXMA Zone Established in Chennai
/0 Comments/in OEM News /by Amber GuanThe newly inaugurated concept store is designed to showcase the entire range of Canon Inkjet technology.

New Release from Konica Minolta India
/0 Comments/in OEM News, Office Equipment News /by Amber GuanIt is a color multifunction printer (MFP) equipped with state-of-the-art features and functionality.