
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
Controlling Static - Berto gets Stuck on Static

Controlling Static – Berto gets Stuck on Static

The printer and consumables industry is indebted to Static Control Components which has been a pioneer for 35 years.
How to Turn off Firmware Updates for HP416-216-206

How to Turn off Firmware Updates for HP416-216-206

James Douglas provides easy-to-follow, step-by-step video instructions to help remanufacturers solve frustrating HP firmware printer upgrades.
Annoying Paper Jams - They are Music to Berto's Ears

Annoying Paper Jams – They are Music to Berto’s Ears

What do you think of when you hear that the reason for the jamming problem in the office has been discovered? Our regular cartoonist has some fun with this one.
Behind the Eight Ball

Behind the Eight Ball

James Douglas says the OEM printer cartridge is innocent until proven guilty. Aftermarket cartridges are not afforded that luxury.

How I Blew Half a Billion Bucks on a Car

UK businessman Darren Turner reveals why we should never try to deliver a technology that’s not needed in the first place.
Tough Words Konica Minolta Needs to Hear

Tough Words Konica Minolta Needs to Hear

Controversial industry commentator Ray Stasieczko apologises for being tough but warns we all must stop seeing things through rose-colored glasses and pay attention to the threats and challenges.
Some Quick Ink Facts I Bet You Never Knew

Some Quick Ink Facts I Bet You Never Knew

David Gibbons shares 9 quick inky facts including the first inks known to man and the first patented inks.
The Growth of Inkjet: New Normal or Temporary Bubble?

The Growth of Inkjet: New Normal or Temporary Bubble?

Gustavo Molinatti says despite unstable global shipments and problems in the supply chain, inkjet devices with built-in tanks continue to grow in the Latin American region.
Printing 1000 Pages by Mistake- Berto Hits the Button

Printing 1000 Pages by Mistake- Berto Hits the Button

Were you ever the intern in the office who sent off a test page to be printed but the machine kept printing? It's frightening, especially when there are still mistakes on the page.
Canon refillable ink cartridges

What Do You Know About Refillable Ink Cartridges?

Canon is one of the OEMs incorporating refillable ink cartridges into its printer series.

As I See It


Business Tips

Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

Into India

Judge's Ruling

Just A Minute

Keeping Up

Latin Letters

My Word

Out of Africa

Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

Tech Tips