
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
Currency Fluctuations Cause Cartridge Price Increases

Currency Fluctuations Cause Cartridge Price Increases

Masood Khan is calling for unity if the industry is to survive in India.

The Milk Man Never Dreamed His Route Would End

Controversial commentator Ray Stasieczko reminds us the way consumers purchase products is always temporary.
Berto Puts the Wrong Powder in the Printer

Berto Puts the Wrong Powder in the Printer

Berto discovers that many office "experiments" have been undertaken with various powders for the printer.
Berto Searches for the Fastest Copier

Berto Searches for the Fastest Copier

The search for the fastest copiers has been around for centuries as our resident cartoonist muses.
China Changes its Visa Entry Requirements

China Changes its Visa Entry Requirements

And now there are claims that many of these foreign and international visitors are angry.
Visitors from 54 Countries Able to Enter China Visa-free

Visitors from 54 Countries Able to Enter China Visa-free

Visa-free entry is available for 6, 15 or 30-day entry for those coming from the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe.
Berto Up in the Air Over Cartridge Prices

Berto Up in the Air Over Cartridge Prices

Our resident cartoonist pokes fun at the high prices of printer cartridges.
US Urged to Focus Less on Holding China Down

US Urged to Focus Less on Holding China Down

Washington's current strategy uses export controls and sanctions to prevent China from advancing technologically.
China's 144-hour Visa-free Policy Widely Welcomed

China’s 144-hour Visa-free Policy Widely Welcomed

This visa is like a giant hammer smashing down a wall of Western false information about China.
Konica Minolta and the End of the FORZA Fantasy

Konica Minolta and the End of the FORZA Fantasy

The forward-thinking and often controversial writer and speaker says the Konica Minolta MWAi FORZA debacle is a lesson for sure.

As I See It


Business Tips

Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

Into India

Judge's Ruling

Just A Minute

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My Word

Out of Africa

Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

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