
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
Thankfully My Doctor Wrote A Prescription Not My Obituary Ray stasciezko rtmworld

Thankfully My Doctor Wrote a Prescription Not My Obituary

Thankfully my doctor wrote a prescription not my obituary and so it is with business: it needs check-ups, great doctors, quality data and surgery.
Toner Ink News June 2020 Best Printers rtmworld

Toner Ink News June 2020 Best Printers

Toner Ink News June 2020: the best laser printers for business have been listed by ZDNet and CNET; and the OEMs have launched a range of faster printers.

Improving Standards – Berto Pours it On

Standards and testing are important for the Aftermarket. We're talking about quality. Provable, repeatable quality. But is everyone helping to raise the bar, asks Berto?
Toner Ink News Change is Here rtmworld

Toner Ink News May 2020: Change is Here

Toner Ink News May 2020: change is here. With COVID-19 and new printers the top stories for the month, "change" is the main theme for what lies ahead.
Industry Eyes Turn to Africa rtmworld Stuart Lacey

Industry Eyes Turn to Africa

Industry eyes turn to Africa despite being too complicated in the past because it now hosts six of the world’s top ten fastest-growing economies.

Is Working from Home More Productive? Berto’s Not So Sure

Is working from home more productive? Research reveals it can be depending on how well set up you are to deal with distractions. Berto is not so sure.
Toner Ink News coronavirus devices environment rtmworld

Toner Ink News April 2020 –coronavirus, new devices and the environment

Toner and ink news April 2020 – The coronavirus is taking a tremendous toll on worldwide economies and the toner/inkjet industry is not immune.
Famous Sports Star Reuse Recycle rtmworld Mark Waugh

Famous Sports Star Says Reuse is the Better Way to Recycle

Famous sports star says reuse is the better way to recycle on a TV campaign promoting remanufactured cartridges with Australian cricket legend Mark Waugh.
3D Printer Opportunities for Independent Resellers rtmworld

3D Printer Opportunities for Independent Resellers

3D printer opportunities for independent resellers exist because of flat revenues, shrinking margins and fierce cost-cutting in the 2D printing market.
Courier Services Boom During Coronavirus rtmworld

Bike Courier Services Boom in China During Coronavirus

Bike courier services boom in China during the coronavirus and COVID-19 is delivering new opportunities but are westerners picking up?

As I See It


Business Tips

Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

Into India

Judge's Ruling

Just A Minute

Keeping Up

Latin Letters

My Word

Out of Africa

Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

Tech Tips