
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
My Freshly Printed FingerNails Berto rtmworld cartoon

My Freshly Printed FingerNails – Berto Finds New Printers

My freshly printed fingerNails. A range of new unique printing devices are being developed in China, as Berto found at RemaxWorld Expo in Zhuhai.
Facts Right in Compatibles White Paper rtmworld

Facts Right in Compatibles White Paper

The published Actionable Intelligence white paper on the legitimacy of premium compatibles gets its facts right and vindicates what many have known for years.
That’s a lot of toner for a market in decline rtmworld ray stasieczko

That’s a Lot of Toner For a Market in Decline

Ray Stasieczko attends the record-breaking RemaxWorld Expo and postulates that’s a lot of toner for a market in decline. Are the once glory days returning?
Ankitaa Gohain Dalmia rtmworld Measure the Success of Your Digital Marketing Efforts

How to Measure the Success of Your Digital Marketing Efforts

You must monitor, track and measure the success of your digital marketing efforts consistently to make sure all efforts have a positive effect on your brand.
RemaxWorld Expo Zhuhai 2019: The Future is Today rtmworld

RemaxWorld Expo Zhuhai 2019: The Future is Today

RemaxWorld Expo Zhuhai 2019: The Future is Today RemaxWorld is the largest global event in our Industry and as such deserves a framework of excellence. Some OEMs that walked through its corridors admitted their surprise at the size of the exhibition, along with the professionalism of the exhibitors and the organization in general.

RemaxWorld Summit 2019: What’s being left behind?

The Summit at this year’s RemaxWorld Expo might be summed up in one sentence: the aftermarket is leaving money behind on the table.
Blame the Internet of Course rtmworld

Blame the Internet of Course

Blame the Internet of course for all the good, bad and fake it possesses. Mark Dawson reveals how it has entered our lives and changed them forever.
Having perfect 20-20 vision Berto cartoon rtmworld

Having Perfect 20-20 Vision – Berto looks ahead to 2020

Despite the threats that may lurk behind us, having perfect 20-20 vision for 2020 will provide strategic opportunities for VIP buyers and suppliers in 2020.

Is the aftermarket in Latin America going through a crisis?

Is the aftermarket in Latin America going through a crisis? The growth of the digital world has been changing everything, including our market, where it was gradually displacing the need for paper use. And although there is no end in sight or on the horizon, it is logical to predict that this transformation will continue to occur in the future.

As I See It


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