
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
Having perfect 20-20 vision Berto cartoon rtmworld

Having Perfect 20-20 Vision – Berto looks ahead to 2020

Despite the threats that may lurk behind us, having perfect 20-20 vision for 2020 will provide strategic opportunities for VIP buyers and suppliers in 2020.

Is the aftermarket in Latin America going through a crisis?

Is the aftermarket in Latin America going through a crisis? The growth of the digital world has been changing everything, including our market, where it was gradually displacing the need for paper use. And although there is no end in sight or on the horizon, it is logical to predict that this transformation will continue to occur in the future.
What on Earth is Going On rtmworld

What on Earth is Going On

What in the world IS going on? Progress. You cannot stop progress. Good for some, bad for others, but always an opportunity. Despite all the changes, threats and weak business models, the aftermarket has a chance to grow beyond the 25% market share it has now—and that’s exciting.
Where were you in 2019 rtmword

Where were you in 2019? Everything is About to Change

Where were you in 2019? It will become a landmark year where business models for all are being tested and new opportunities must be found to survive and prosper for OEMs and the aftermarket alike.
Transformational Leaders Needed for this Industry rtmworld

Transformational Leaders Needed for this Industry

Transformational leaders needed for this industry rather than bosses who demands compliance by virtue of their position and title. Mark Dawson has worked for botrh.
Europe Declines HP Awarded rtmworld

Europe Declines, HP Awarded and Xerox Shines

John Cooper provides his monthly wrapup of what's going on in the global imaging equipment and supplies industries.
Now Everyone is Being Chipped Berto cartoon rtmworld

Now Everyone is Being Chipped – Woof!

Humans microchip their pets, each other and printer cartridges to track them should they ever get lost—or is it for control? Now everyone is being chipped! Woof!
A Brief History of Copying rtmworld

A Brief History of Copying

A brief history of copying reveals that even before digital printing, copying existed and paved the way for the printing demand we see today.
Brother Wins Best Printer Awards PC Magazine rtmworld

Brother Wins Best Printer Awards

Printer awards and printer technology updates abound

As I See It


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Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

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Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

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