
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
China's 144-hour Visa-free Policy Widely Welcomed

China’s 144-hour Visa-free Policy Widely Welcomed

This visa is like a giant hammer smashing down a wall of Western false information about China.
Konica Minolta and the End of the FORZA Fantasy

Konica Minolta and the End of the FORZA Fantasy

The forward-thinking and often controversial writer and speaker says the Konica Minolta MWAi FORZA debacle is a lesson for sure.

What’s New This Week

The annual RemaxWorld Expo provides an excellent opportunity to discover new products, technologies and market trends for the year.
China Printer Manufacturers Make a Splash in Past Month

China Printer Manufacturers Make a Splash in Past Month

While the global hardcopy peripherals declined in shipment and value in the first quarter of 2024, these advancements made by Chinese printer manufacturers are indeed uplifting.

An In-Depth HP Smart Tank 5000 Review

The HP Smart Tank 5000 All-in-One Printer is designed to offer cost-effective printing, scanning, and copying solutions.
Six Key Printer Trends in 2024

Six Key Printer Trends in 2024

The death of paper in the office has been predicted and yet, it is still with us. So what are the trends this year?
It's All There in Black and White Declares Berto

It’s All There in Black and White Declares Berto

Sometimes it's easier to be black and white in our views and it takes a trip to the zoo to bring it out.
Remanufacturer Reacts to HP SecuReuse Initiative

Remanufacturer Reacts to HP SecuReuse Initiative

Gabriel Kearney says not everyone will agree with him but he wants to start the conversation.

As I See It


Business Tips

Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

Into India

Judge's Ruling

Just A Minute

Keeping Up

Latin Letters

My Word

Out of Africa

Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

Tech Tips