
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
Women in the Indian Aftermarket

Women in the Indian Aftermarket

Despite being an innovative, fast-growing market it is male-dominated with women comprising only 13% of workers.
Russia: Dealing with Issues of Data Security in the Office

Russia: Dealing with Issues of Data Security in the Office

Printers are much more than a typing machine and are more like a computer that can be hacked.
Competing in a Digital World rtmworld

Competing in a Digital World

Competing in a digital world has never been so intense as buyers research their options with unlimited sources independently of a salesperson.
Naughty or nice this year Berto rtmworld cartoon

Naughty or nice this year? Berto checks in with Santa

Berto checks in with Santa as he asks printer OEMs and the Aftermarket if they have been naughty or nice this year and if they have been "playing nicely in the playground" together.
Another One Bites the Dust rtmworld

Another One Bites the Dust

Another one bites the dust and it’s the reason the New Year follows the end of an old year as we hope for a better future than the past.
The Latest Dongle Gear Actions: Canon’s Checkmate

The Latest Dongle Gear Actions: Canon’s Checkmate

Actions have been brought to the U.S. courts, and before the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) but no one has yet discussed what it means for the aftermarket going forward. 
Once Upon a Time There was a Candlestick Maker rtmworld

Once Upon a Time There was a Candlestick Maker

Once upon a time there was a candlestick maker who never adapted to the channel changes and got left behind with the resellers, dealers, distributors, remanufacturers, NBC makers and OEMs.
They are Getting Even Smaller Berto cartoon rtmworld

They are Getting Even Smaller – Berto spies a tiny printer

As Berto muses, now they are getting even smaller, yet printers can be portable, powerful and rival the print quality of even standard-size inkjet models.
Clones Compatibles Counterfeits and You rtmworld

Clones Compatibles Counterfeits and You

Clones, compatibles, counterfeits and you are all impacted as technology marches forward with more and more counterfeiters being caught and doing jail time. Don't do it!
Hand Me Another Tariff Berto cartoon rtmworld

Hand me Another Tariff – Berto enters the trade war

Is Trump's trade war with China the war you are having when you are not having a war? Hand me another tariff seems to be US policy.

As I See It


Business Tips

Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

Into India

Judge's Ruling

Just A Minute

Keeping Up

Latin Letters

My Word

Out of Africa

Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

Tech Tips