
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
Pioneers Just What We Need rtmworld

Pioneers – Just What We Need

Pioneers - just what we need to invest in the technical and IP challenges to provide products for our industry without trying to control the market.

Opportunities Found in China – Berto gets a handful

Opportunities Found in China - Berto gets a handful from the expo - the largest in the world to host office equipment, printers, copiers, supplies, part and components - provides opportunities only found in China.
Are Acquisitions the Feel-good Drug in a Declining Market? rtmworld

Are Acquisitions the Feel-good Drug in a Declining Market?

Are acquisitions the feel-good drug in a declining market? Yes, the fastest way to grow business revenue is to buy it, but if you are buying in a declining market, are you not, in fact, buying declining revenue?
It’s Often True But Not Always True rtmworld

It’s Often True But Not Always True

Change has been taking place in our industry since 2015 which is not good for those who did not see it coming. The truth is the Aftermarket will significantly grow its market share, way beyond the 20-25% it claims now
Desperate Times Give Way to Lies and Fake News rtmworld

Desperate Times Give Way to Lies and Fake News

Desperate times give way to lies and fake news when the facts don’t suit the argument and some will be fooled but not everyone will be fooled all the time.
Printer Cartridge Parts Galore Berto cartoon rtmworld

Printer Cartridge Parts Galore – Berto asks what is an OPC?

The printer cartridge itself is a consumable component of a laser printer and has component parts galore inside it such as the drum, often called the OPC.

The Independent Resellers Lot – an interview with Ian Elliott

The market for office products and equipment is very different today and it has become a desperate lot for independent resellers according to Ian Elliott.
Seven Reasons For Having a Digital Marketing Strategy rtmworld

Seven Reasons For Having a Digital Marketing Strategy

Seven reasons for having a digital marketing strategy given everyone is online all day these days and you should have a Digital Marketing Strategy or DMS.
Printer Security Trumped Berto cartoon rtmworld

Printer Security Trumped – Berto panicks

To fully protect your company you must make sure every device including your printer has adequate security and an appropriate firewall: Trumped by a wall!

Some Leaders See Bright Future – Berto needs sunglasses

Truly inspiring leaders see the bright side of any issue including the future. RT Media seeks to inform, educate and nurture the global imaging industry. Berto needs sunglasses.

As I See It


Business Tips

Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

Into India

Judge's Ruling

Just A Minute

Keeping Up

Latin Letters

My Word

Out of Africa

Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

Tech Tips