
You've read the news, now here are the views... from the industry's top thought leaders.
Knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss rtmworld

Knowledge is Power and Ignorance is Bliss

Knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss meaning some successfully know what is going on in business and others remain uninformed until it is too late.
Creating a Digital Strategy from Scratch rtmworld

Creating a Digital Strategy from Scratch

Creating a digital strategy from scratch is important because it is not enough to just have a website or be active on social media.
Innovation The Only New Idea Steve Weedon rtmworld

Innovation — The Only New Idea

Innovation — the only new idea humans use comes from taking an old idea and building on it, modernizing it, making it better and more innovative.
Jammed Printer Service Calls Berto cartoon rtmworld

Jammed Printer Service Calls – Berto calls in sick

Employee absenteeism and a jammed printer resulting in service calls and essential office equipment downtime are causes for lost productivity in the office. Berto thinks they may be related.
Is it a blip or everlasting rtmworld

Is it a Blip or Everlasting?

Is it a blip or everlasting? Steve Weedon asks what China will bring as it ascends to become the biggest economy on the planet. Will be a blip or everlasting?
The Aftermarket Scores a Big Savory Win

The Aftermarket Scores a Big Savory Win

The aftermarket scores a big savory win with the US Supreme Court ruling that patent rights are exhausted after the first sale, wherever that takes place.
Recognizing Disruption as a Creator and not a Competitor rtmworld Ray Stasieczko

Recognizing Disruption as a Creator and not a Competitor

Recognizing disruption as a creator and not a competitor is crucial. Disruptors do not see themselves as competitors, just creators of a new way.
Vanishing Toner Provides Reusable Paper Berto cartoon rtmworld

Vanishing Toner Provides Reusable Paper – Berto disappears

It's not just a cheap magician's trick: there is now commercially available vanishing toner that provides consumers with paper that is reusable again.
Website Elements to Get a Better ROI rtmworld

Top 5 Website Elements to Get a Better ROI

Top 5 website elements to get a better ROI to provide unique customer experiences and build brand loyalty and customer retention.

As I See It


Business Tips

Digitally Speaking

End of the Day with Ray

Into India

Judge's Ruling

Just A Minute

Keeping Up

Latin Letters

My Word

Out of Africa

Patently Speaking

Realizing Russia

Tech Tips