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Modern Innovative Desktop Printers, Berto Takes a Poke
/0 Comments/in Berto /by Berto ValenzuelaPrinter OEMs continue to add new functions to printers to meet the needs of consumers including scanning, duplexing, security and privacy and … driving to work while having breakfast!!??

Gunning For Free Speech or Rights to Bear Arms
/in Judge's Ruling /by Tricia JudgeJudge blocks the planned release of 3-D printed gun blueprints in the US.

Canon Continues Fight with Aftermarket – with Ian Elliott
/0 Comments/in Business Tips /by Ian Elliott

A Misplaced Australian in China – a different world view
/0 Comments/in Just A Minute /by David Gibbons
Fallout from ITC ‘1106 and the Future of Distribution
/0 Comments/in Business Tips /by Ian ElliottCanon was probably confident about its chances for repeating the previous successes.

The Imaging Channel is Not Alone in Needing Diversification
/0 Comments/in End of the Day with Ray /by Ray Stasieczko

OEM Trademark Usage Leads to US Products Seizures
/0 Comments/in Judge's Ruling /by Tricia JudgeOEM Trademark Usage Leads to US Seizures of Products. Hear what Tricia Judge has to say.