Aftermarket News

Find the latest industrial news for the printer & copier aftermarket parts.
Print-Rite Offers a Solution to Reduce Waste

Print-Rite Offers a Solution to Reduce Waste

Print-Rite SmarTact Max toner cartridges are said to feature full toner usage for every printing cycle.
HP Rejects Reman Cartridges in Reman President's Printer

HP Rejects Reman Cartridges in Reman President’s Printer

Joe Kripli is a remanufacturing legend and the current president of the Automotive Parts Remanufacturers Association.
Canon Flags it will Continue Amazon Takedowns in 2022

Canon Flags it will Continue Amazon Takedowns in 2022

The printer and imaging OEM took swift action in Germany over allegedly infringing aftermarket toner cartridges.
