Office Equipment News

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Ninestar G&G First to Launch its Own Printer

Ninestar G&G First to Launch its Own Printer

G&G claims it is the first aftermarket brand to provide printers and copiers as well as consumables and supplies.
Handy Little Printer Fits in Your Hand rtmworld

Handy Little Printer Fits in Your Hand

Handy little printer fits in your hand and can be used in the home or office to print onto almost any surface.
RT Media Searches for a Home Office Front Cover

RT Media Searches for a Home Office Front Cover

RT Media searches for a home office front cover photo for its magazine which will focus on printing in the small office.
Industry Clicks on Biggest News Stories for June

Industry Clicks on Biggest News Stories for June

Industry clicks on biggest news stories for June 2020 with the top ten stories receiving more than half of the clicks.
Canon's Best Patented Technologies Used in 65ppm Press rtmworld

Canon’s Best Patented Technologies Used in 65ppm Press

Canon's best patented technologies used in 65ppm press, the multi-functional the imagePRESS C165 printer in India
