Office Equipment News

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Printers for Use in Your House rtmworld

7 Top Printers Revealed for Use in a House or Apartment

7 top printers for use in your house or apartment has been listed by IGN for those forced to work from home.
Snapshot Study During Crisis Reveals State of Office Print rtmworld

Snapshot Study During Crisis Reveals State of Office Print

A snapshot study by Quocirca during the COVID-19 crisis reveals the state of office print in Europe, USA and elsewhere.
Epson Declares War on Toner Shaq rtmworld

Epson Declares War on Toner with Free Ink

Epson declares war on toner with free ink in new no-cartridge, bulk ink printers and NBA basketballer Shaq O'Neal.
Ricoh Firmware Update Stops Copiers rtmworld Zhono

Ricoh Firmware Update Stops Copiers From Working

A Ricoh firmware update stops copiers on March 9 causing frustration for office workers but Zhono has a solution.

Judges Pick Epson as Winner – Others Named Too

Judges pick Epson as a winner with other copier and printers OEMs also being awarded including Fuji Xerox, HP, Ricoh

Canon Launches New Portal Printer with Battery

Canon has announced two new portable printers, the PIXMA TR150 and another version of the TR150 with a battery.
