
In depth information about trends and developments.
Not All Chips Are Created Equal Zhono

Not All Chips Are Created Equal

Mao Mao, Zhono's product director, chips in with reasons why the independent Chinese manufacturer can deliver the solutions buyers are looking for.
Printers and Supplies: The Milestones and Mileposts Jack Klugman

Printers and Supplies: The Milestones and Mileposts

Graham Galliford admits a complete book would be required to cover every twist and turn in the road so far travelled by the print and print supplies industry. However, there have been some key markers over the past 40 years.
What Goes Around Comes Around remanufacturing

What Goes Around Comes Around: Remanufacturing

Stuart Lacey is convinced remanufacturing is turning full circle. New builds are now becoming the replacement for the OEM empty. Who is going to take the initiative in this embryonic industry to offer quality combinations to feed this opportunity?
New Specialty Paper Made from Stone Proves Sustainable

New Specialty Paper Made from Stone Proves Sustainable

By using mainly stone powder, no trees or water are required, reducing the energy necessary for production and CO2 emissions, and poisonous chemicals are eliminated.
Thank God for Engineers Optimists and Innovators

Thank God for Engineers Optimists and Innovators

Steve Weedon looks back 40 years: To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Celebrating the the Birth of Printing Consumables in China Arnald Ho

Celebrating the Birth of Printing Consumables in China

Print-Rite's Arnald Ho shares the two dreams he has had for 40 years since he first set up his printer ribbon factory in China.
Fascinated with Imaging Technologies Since Age 8 Art Diamond

Fascinated with Imaging Technologies Since Age 8

The late Art Diamond shared what caught his attention for almost 80 years, not long before he left us.
Millions Offered: Eric Smith Shares His Supreme Court Story

Millions Offered: Eric Smith Shares His Supreme Court Story

Impression Products’ Eric Smith shares the story of his historic U.S. Supreme Court win on May 30, 2017.
Controlling Color Components & Cartridge Technicians Coenie Greyling

Controlling Color, Components & Cartridge Technicians

Experienced trainer Coenie Greyling says a good “mono” technician cannot necessarily reman a color cartridge. Quite to the contrary, they have too many “bad” habits.

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