Guide for Checking Zhono Chip Yield for Ricoh Copier Cartridge

Guide for Checking Zhono Chip Yield for Ricoh Copier Cartridge


One of Zhono’s customers inquired how to check the remaining chip yield in Ricoh copier cartridges. This inquiry was prompted by cases where a high-yield chip was installed into a low-yield toner cartridge, or conversely, a low-yield chip into a high-yield toner cartridge (see Figure 1). Both cases result in a mismatch between the chip and the toner cartridge during operation.

Figure 1


To address the issue, the engineers at Zhono suggest: for Ricoh copiers, whether you’re using an OEM chip or a compatible chip, customers can determine the required amount of toner needed for refilling by checking the current remaining chip yield in the cartridge.

For Ricoh copiers, the yield of the toner chip is measured in ‘grams’ (see Figure 2).

Figure 2

By checking the Chip Yield, Toner Consumption, and current Remaining Chip Yield on toner chips of K/C/M/Y, users can determine how many grams of toner are required for refilling. This ensures that the toner quantity matches the chip’s yield.

Zhono provides an official video demonstrating how to check the chip yield with the Ricoh IM C3000 copier.

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Guide for Checking Zhono Chip Yield for Ricoh Copier Cartridge



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