HP Settles Firmware Update Lawsuit After Four Years

HP Settles Firmware Update Lawsuit After Four Years

HP Settles Firmware Update Lawsuit After Four Years

HP has settled a class lawsuit brought against it by Mobile Emergency Housing Corp., Track Rat Enterprises Inc. d/b/a Performance Automotive & Tire Center and other class members.

HP Settles Firmware Update Lawsuit After Four Years

The case dates four years back to December 17. 2020, encompassing the controversial firmware update issues, which remain debated even today. In the original case record, HP’s firmware update was referred to as a “malware transmission”, which was installed in users’ printers without notice in advance and served no legitimate business purposes.

This update rendered third-party ink cartridges incompatible with HP printers, and users were presented with misleading error messages indicating a “supply problem,” falsely suggesting issues with the third-party cartridges, which were otherwise functioning normally. As a result, the plaintiffs, along with the affected class members, sought actual, statutory, and exemplary damages. They also demanded that HP reverse the firmware update and commit to refraining from similar actions in the future.

After four years of litigation, the case has finally reached a settlement, with both parties agreeing to terms that are currently pending court approval. The settlement will terminate all cross-motions and unresolved issues in the case, including those related to liability and damages.

Details of the settlement have not yet been made public. A final agreement is expected to be submitted to the court by September 20, with the motion for preliminary settlement to be filed by October 11.



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