Ice Bucket Challenge Spreads to Imaging Industry

Ice Bucket Challenge Spreads to Imaging Industry

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has grabbed massive attention from celebrities and the public, volunteering to take part and donate to related charities.

The nominees of the campaign has to either dump ice on himself or to donate money to the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) association. The event aims to raise awareness and money for patient with ALS—a neuromuscular illness that affects the nerves.

After a challenge from Dell’s Michael Dell, HP Chairman & CEO Meg Whitman has accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and nominated Condoleezza Rice, General Motors CEO Mary Barra and Mitt Romney to accept the challenge.

Tony Lee, Managing Director of Recycling Times, has completed the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge too. He encouraged people in the 2D and 3D printing industries to pay close attention to patients suffering with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and other rare diseases.

He challenged the following people to do as he has—to ice bucket themselves—to help create awareness for those who suffer among us:

1. Shu Chang, General Manager of Pantum China

2. Zhu Shunquan, General Manager of HubeiDinglong Chemical Co

3. Luke Goldberg, Vice Presideny at MSE, California, USA

Shu Chang from Pantum has accepted and completed the challenge, so has one of his nominees—Jason Wang, General Manager of Apex Microelectronics, Co., Ltd. Mr. Wang challenged the following people to ice bucket themselves:

1. Jim Cerkleski, CEO, Clover

2. Emery van Donzel, General Manager, Apex Print Technology

3. Frank Zhao, CEO, Zhuhai Kingway Image Co., Ltd

Enjoy the videos!

Meg Whitman, HP:




Tony Lee, Recycling Times:





Shu Chang, Pantum China








Jason Wang, Apex Microelectronics

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