InfoTrends to Study European Views of Brand Owners on Packaging

InfoTrends will soon launch a new study titled Packaging and the Brand Owner. This research will reveal European brand owners’ views on key issues and offer insights to suppliers of print technology and converters.

In addition to answering specific questions regarding brand owners, this study will assess their top concerns about brand management. It will analyze the role of printing in addressing those concerns and guide press, software, converters and media vendors, in meeting brand owners’ packaging needs.

Bob Leahey, Associate Director for InfoTrends’ Color Digital Label and Packaging Service, says, “This study will poll European brand owners about issues affecting market demand for color printing, particularly digital printing. It will provide quantitative and qualitative insights of converters to brand owners.”

According to InfoTrends, printed packaging and labels are crucial to brand management of consumer goods. Therefore, meeting the needs of brand owners is greatly significant in the package and label printing market. Europe is a rich and varied region leading the world in packaging innovation. Color digital printers are a growing alternative to conventional presses in label printing. In folding cartons and flexible packaging, color digital printing can be expected as an option for printing short runs. Brand owners are pleased about gaining the great benefit from short run digital printing, since brands have to target markets in precise ways and focus on lean manufacturing and supply chains.

Early subscriber rates are available through June 7, 2013; they will have the opportunity to review and contribute to the project’s survey questions before the survey launch.

Europe:                                      United States:

Jason Russell                              Scott Phinney

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