Print-Rite Settles with Canon in Europe and the US

Print-Rite Settles with Canon in Europe and the US

Print-Rite Settles with Canon in Europe and the US

Print-Rite Settles with Canon in Europe and the USPrint-Rite has come to an agreement with Canon Inc. over certain patent infringement matters between them.

On the same day, earlier in 2023, Canon filed complaints in both the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware as well as the District Court of Düsseldorf in Germany.

Canon alleged that Print-Rite Imaging Technology Inc. and Union Technology International (MCO) Co. Ltd. were infringing its U.S. Patent No. 11,169,483. It also alleged Print-Rite Unicorn Image Products Co., Ltd., Union Technology International (MCO) Co., Ltd., and Unideatec S.a.s. were infringing its European Patent No. 3 470 931 B1.

“We understand the importance of intellectual property rights,” a Print-Rite spokesperson told RT Media. “We have 3,276 of our own patents and we expect others to respect our innovations and creative inventions too.”

The spokesperson added that because Print-Rite has a healthy respect for the patents and intellectual property rights of others, it moved quickly to “resolve the matter with Canon in a reasonable fashion.”

To settle the matters between them, Print-Rite acknowledged its infringement of the asserted patents, paid Canon an undisclosed amount of compensation and agreed to the entry of a Consent Judgment and Permanent Injunction from the Delaware court and issuance of a Judgment of Acknowledgement from the Düsseldorf court.

Print-Rite will not make, use, import, sell or distribute the accused products in the U.S. and Germany. The company added that those products that innovatively provide an alternative solution, and that do not infringe Canon’s patents will continue to be available to its customers in these markets.

“We also need to care for our customers,” the Print-Rite spokesperson added. “We will always come to the table and resolve any matters professionally and that is what has happened here.”



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